Meliadoul's Journal
Chapter I: The Beginning

Autumn 1st, 9:27 P.M.
Hello Journal. I'm so excited! After years and years of training in the magic arts, I am only one task away from becoming a wizard! I have to go up to the Elemental Summit tomorrow. No one has ever been there before, so it will truely be a great adventure. Legend says that the ancient Juna people worshiped each of the four elements from that peak and that they sealed a weapon of great spiritual power. The Town Prophet tells me that in order to complete my training and become a true wizard, I must use that weapon. I will try my best to get it. The prophet says that I cannot do this alone, so I must get a party together to help me. I am planning on getting some of the rookie solders from the solder office. I'm sure that if I tell them of the fame they will achieve, I can get atleast a few to come. I just wish that I had more money. All I have is 2$, because I spent my 30$ on a Wooden Staff, a Blue Suit, and a Shock spell. That was my savings, so I had better get this weapon. I leave in two days, and I'll spend tomorrow getting the troups that I need.

Autumn 2nd, 9:00 P.M.
I got a great team today! We're all going up to the mountain tomorrow! I hope they prepaired well. I know I did!

Autumn 3rd, 6:00 P.M.
We are traveling up the mountain. Suprisingly, we haven't seen any monsters. At the rate we're going, we'll reach the peak within an hour. I still can't get the words of those shopkeepers out of my head though. I want to get the weapon at all costs, but does this mean fighting my ancestors? My new friend Orlandu came up to me.
"Meliadoul, we can't go any further on this path."
"Why not?"
There are dragons ahead. They appear to be fighting. 3 Purple ones are battleing one green one."
"Hmmmm. Does the green one stand a chance?"
"Not likely. What are you suggesting?"
"We're going to help it. I don't care if it's monsters or humans, I hate to see an unfair fight."
"Are you sure you want to do this? We might not survive the battle."
"Well, we can't leave it. This will be a great test for us. Get the group together"
After a few minutes and alot of complaining, we confronted the enemy dragons.

Autumn 3rd, 6:30 P.M.
We won! We managed to save the Green Dragon, but at great costs. One of the swordsman, I believe his name is Delita, got a broken arm, and I myself got burned, bit, and stomped all at once! We have decided to camp here and take on the peak tomorrow. Some of us are going back to the town, so we are telling them our shop orders now. They will be back by morning, so we can get prepared for whoever is guarding the weapon by noon. The Green Dragon we found fought like nothing I've ever seen. After we saved it, it flew off to what we are guessing is it's nest on the side of the mountain. I also got a chance to add a few dragon teeth to my pendant. Oh, I never told you, did I? I like to keep a record of every great event in my journy, so I take a momento from anything important, like my first victory. Well, my friends are about to leave, so I need to get my supply list in order.

Autumn 4th, 10:00 A.M.
My friends have returned with our supplies. I got a bandanna and my group is better prepared now. We were unbelievebly weak in the first battle against the dragons because some of us didn't have weapons and armor, but we're all ready to go now. We've continiued up the mountain and will reach the peak within an hour. Oh, they also brought back some new allies. Apparently, they ran into them in the Town Square and they wanted to help us. Although they don't have any weapons now since they left the town square in a hurry, they will be good additions to our group. Our rest is over now, so I must stop writing and move on.

Autumn 4th, 11:00 A.M.
We have arrived at the peak. There is some sort of structure here. We entered. It is a one room building. There are bones everywhere. We believe that they are the bodies of Juna sacrifices. No science has said that the Juna believed in Human Sacrifise, but if they aren't sacrifises, what are they? There is an alter in the center of the room. We get closer to it and I notice that it has a chest on it. There is an inscription on the alter. I read it aloud.

The chest contains the great weapon of the Juna people. You must be worthy to wield it. Prove your kindness, courage, morals, intellegence, trust, truth, faith, strength, and your very values to the elemental gods and you will be worthy. To get the weapon itself, you must defeat the Juna's finest warrior, the Swordsman of Death!

As I read the last line, the alter began to glow. My group backs away to see the bones on the ground rise. Four skeletons rise from the piles of human remains, all holding spears. Before we could react, a spirit appeared before us, hovering over the alter. It was holding a sword! We pulled out our weapons.

We defeated the undead, but at heavy costs. We deminished our supply of herbs and we are all weakened. We'll find out exactly what happens later today, for we need to tend to our wounds now.

Autumn 4th, 8:00 P.M.
We've been sitting hear tending our wounds for hours and I can't keep my eyes off of that chest! I'm gonna go check it out. I get up and walk over to the chest. As I aproach it, a young woman sniper walks up to me.
"Hello....Eez, right?"

"Yes. I found something you might want to take a look at after I took care of the Masterbone."
"That's the Masterbone's sword. It's forged out of bones. It's probrably stronger than our current wooden ones."

"I thought so too. I can't use it, so I need you to tell me what to do with it."
"You can give it to one of our swordsmen. I recommend you not sell it in a shop, because it was very powerful in that battle."
Eez walked over to the group of swordsmen and I continued my way to the chest. When I reached it, the alter began to glow. I pulled out my staff again, ready for whatever challenge awaits me. The faint form of a bird made of flames formed before me. To the left of it, there was a green skinned woman with green hair and small vines growing around her arms with small flowers at their ends. On the right of the Bird was a turtle creature that was blue. On the very far left was another bird, but this one has much larger wings and it was a much lighter shade of blue than the turtle. The fire bird began to speak.
"I am the spirit of fire."
"I am the spirit of water."
"I am the spirit of earth."
"And I am the spirit of wind."
"Are you going to attack me?" I was obviously frightened. I have never seen anything like this.
"No. You have defeated the guardian of the weapon."
"Is that sword the weapon?"
"That thing? Oh no, it's merely a bone blade. It is, however, a very powerful weapon. You have earned it, so use it wisely."
"If the Bone Blade isn't the weapon, what is?"
"It is in this chest. You can have it, but it will not do you any good unless you have prooven yourself worthy."
"What do I have to do? I thought the Swordsman of Death was my test"
"Oh no. It was just protecting the chest. It was one of the finest Juna warriors."
"Hold on. Who were the other dead guys then?"
"They were foolish warriors who came here to get the weapon for fame and power, but they were killed by the Swordsman of Death. Since they died at it's hands, their soles would not be allowed to leave the alter room until they were defeated. The Swordsman of Death used some of it's energy to power them, so when you injured it and it needed power, it realeased them in order to get stronger. You freed their souls."
"Well, what must I do to wield the weapon? What is it anyway?"
The Turtle creature pointed to the alter.
"You must meet these standards. Those written on the alter must all be completed by you. One of them in each of the towns of the world. You have already proven your kindness. You saved that dragon when you could have easily let it die. You and your group risked your lives for a creature that could have killed you. This is true kindness."
"I just wanted to help it out."
"Well, you proved your kindness. Now you must prove the rest. One in every town, so that your presence has spanned the world. Only then will you be worthy of the Elemental Staff!"
"The Elmental Staff! But, it's a legend!"
"So are we, but you see us here. Our time is short. We must go."
"But, I have so much to ask you! What will I do to contact you?"
"Use the staff"
They then faded away.

I then awoke, laying next to the alter. One of the men, an archer named Ness16, woke me.
"Meliadoul, are you okay?"
"Huh? What happened?"
"You passed out on the alter. We saw you walking to it, then you passed out before you got to it. You've been out for 5 minutes now. Did you get hurt in the battle?"
"Wait, didn't you see them? The 4 Elemental creatures were right here! Was I the only one who saw them?"
Ness16 gave me an odd face. "No, we are the only ones here. Did you have a dream?"
"No. It MUST have been real! It was a vision!"
"Well, what did they say?" "They told me that I must fulfill each of the tasks on the tablet of the alter. We need to travel around the world and go to every town!"
"Sounds like a great adventure! Let's get that weapon now and get back to town!"
I got up and I went to the chest. I began to open it when a strange light radiated from it and it opened in a great flash! I reached in and pulled out a staff! The elemental staff! I felt a strange surge of energy run through me. I put it in my robe. I then cracked off the top of the alter and took the tablet with me. We started to leave and set up camp halfway down the mountain.

Autumn 5th, 6:00 A.M.
We are on our way down the mountain. Eez gave Delita, whose arm is now completely healed, the Bone Blade. He described an odd feeling running through him and he suddenly learned how to do Terrastab, which the Swordsman of Doom and Masterbone used. I hope he uses the weapon wisely. I have the staff, but it isn't doing me any good. It's incredably weak, so I just packed it up and I'm still using the wooden staff. My new friend Dragoniz walks up to me.
"Excuse me."
"Remember that dragon we saved?"
"Yes. Why?"
"Look down there."
He pointed down a few ledges from where we stood and I saw the dragon, but it was surrounded by a group of 20 guys. They were human, obviously, but they were doing something to the dragon.
"What are they doing to it?"
"They're, um, catching it."
"Not my dragon. Guys, I know you all feel the same as me about this, so lets go!"
We were well rested from our night of rest, and Delita was very eager to try out his new sword. We ran down to the ledge in record time. I asked one of the men a few questions.
"Excuse me, sir, but what do you think your doing?"
"This is our dragon! You kids better go away!"
"Look, let the dragon go."
"We're not letting it go. It's a very rare dragon and we want it. Now go!"
"You don't seem to understand. If you don't let that dragon go, there's gonna be trouble."
"There already is. Guys, help me take the dragon. You five, take care of the kids!"
"Yes sir!"
The guys roped up the dragon and dragged it off. We had our own problems to deal with. Five of them ran at us, ready for battle. They seemed to be better prepared for the fight than us, for they were wearing armor much better than ours. I believe they are knights. In any rate, we entered battle.

We won, but they took away the dragon. We must be getting stronger, for we took down the 5 of them in only a few moments. I've learned on this trip not to stop, because things keep going wrong when we do. We're gonna go back to Juna regardless. Oh, that's right. I completely forgot what that I never said the town name. Like the ancient people, the town is named Juna. Well, I won't stop for anything now. We're gonna find that dragon.

Autumn 5th, 12:00 Noon
We're back in town. I went to show the Prophet my staff and he said that I am now a true wizard. I'm so happy! I then told him about the 4 elmental spirits. He told me that I must do as they say. He then told me the special calling spell for speaking with the elemental spirits. He also told me that their names are not told to anyone but those who they believe are worthy. I finally told him of the dragon. He said that I must save it. I told him that I did not know where it is, but he said that the man in the Shuriken shop knows. I went there. Sure enough, he told me that he saw a large group of men and women dragging a dragon in the direction of Brandor. I gathered my group together. We all prepared for the trip to Brandor. As we left the gates of Juna, I realized that we were now embarking on a great adventure.